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Information about the 156th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan

Dates: June 23th (Sat) and 24th (Sun), 2018

Venue: Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo (Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo)

President: Yukinori TAKUBO
Director (LSJ): Atsuko UTSUMI
Director (Local): Yoshiki NISHIMURA

Program (PDF 274KB)

Abstract (PDF 620KB)

The 156th LSJ Meeting Handbook

Day1 (June 23th, Sat)
12:00 - Registration
13:00 - 17:40 Oral presentations
18:00 - 20:00 Reception

Day2 (June 24th, Sun)
9:30 - Registration
10:00 - 11:00 Poster presentations
11:10 - 11:50 Address from the University of Tokyo, President's address, Business meeting
13:00 - 14:00 Inaugural lecture
14:10 - 17:40 Symposium

80th Anniversary Symposium: 80 years of research on voice in Japan: where we are and where we are going
Date: Sunday, June 24th

Organizer: Yoshiki NISHIMURA (University of Tokyo)

Masayoshi SHIBATANI (Rice University)
Grammatical relations and voice: The Austronesian situation

Hideki KIMURA (the University of Tokyo, Otemon Gakuin University)
Voice in Chinese

Ryuichi WASHIO (Gakushuin University)
Voice extension in language and linguistics

Commentator: Naonori NAGAYA (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)

【The 156th LSJ Meeting Handbook】

Abstract submission: March 1st -- 20th, 2017

For details about abstract submission, see the following webpage.

Assistance at the 156th Meeting:

If you plan to attend this meeting and need any assistance such as a sign language interpreter or notetaker, please contact the LSJ office (lsj@nacos.com) as soon as possible. The deadline is May 25th, 2018.

Childcare facilities at the 156th Meeting:

Childcare facilities are being organized. Details will be announced on this page. Applications should be sent to lsj.childcare@gmail.com by June 1st, 2018.

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