- 2023年12月2日(土曜日)
- 10:20-12:00
- 10:20-10:30
- 会長挨拶:福井直樹氏(言語学会会長・上智大学教授)
- 趣旨説明:山越康裕(国際発信力強化小委員会・東京外国語大学准教授)
- 10:30-11:20
- Matthew Joseph ZISK氏(東北大学准教授)「日本語学論文を英語で書くための豆知識―学術用語とグロスを中心に」(講演は日本語で行う予定です)
- (休憩)
- 11:30-12:00
- 全体ディスカッション・質疑応答
- 講演要旨
In recent years, there has been a growing need for researchers working on Japanese linguistics to publish their work in English. While certain fields such as Japanese syntax or phonology have a long tradition of English scholarship, it remains the case that the vast majority of linguistic research on the Japanese language is still only available in Japanese. In order for scholars in Japanese linguistics to gain international recognition and, at the same time, for the field of Japanese linguistics to make contributions to linguistics at large, it is crucial that more researchers in the field publish their work in English. In this talk, I will look at two issues that many Japanese linguists striving to publish their work in English struggle with: specialized terminology and interlinear glossing. In particular, I will discuss several problematic English translations that are commonly used for Japanese linguistic terms and propose more suitable replacements for each term. Then, I will introduce a proposal for adding interlinear glosses to examples of both Modern and Classical Japanese that I produced together with members of the Kakenhi project, "Development of a multilingual dictionary of Japanese linguistics terminology and a glossing standard for Japonic languages".(講演は日本語で行う予定です)
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