A Derivational Approach to Association with Focus in Japanese and Its Consequences

星 浩司 (慶応義塾大学)
三好 暢博 (旭川医科大学)

   Taking Kayne (2000) as our starting point, this paper explores a derivational analysis of association with focus in Japanese, with special reference to an F-particle (= adverbial particle) dake ‘only.’ It proposes that the particle is merged with a focus-associate, with the resultant undergoing overt movement to [Spec, Foc]. The present analysis captures the most important empirical generalization that a focus particle can only associate with its c-commanding element. Moreover, it can be easily extended to association with focus in Chinese. Its major theoretical implication is that the single-cycle computation in the recent version of Minimalist Program might be on the right track, since given the analysis, the core “relation” can be established without recourse to LF-movement of a focus particle.