テーマは,(1) におけるような数量詞 all を含む文の構成素構造である。
(1) The gorillas all like bananas.
この all(および both, each)のような,NP の直後に現れる浮遊数量詞は,(2) のように分析されるべきだろうか,それとも (3) のように分析されるべきだろうか:
(2) [The gorillas all] like bananas.
(3) The gorillas [all like bananas]
(3) の方が正しい,ということを示す例は多い。
(4) The men, I think, all left at dawn.
(5) *The men all, I think, left at dawn.
(6) The soldiers I believe all to have left.
(7) *The soldiers all I believe to have left.
(8) What the little basters did was all get in the tub at the same time.
(9) *What the little basters all did was get in the tub at the same time.
(10) The women all have written the words, and men the music.
(11) *The women all have written the words, and men all the music.
一方,(2) の方が正しいことを示す証拠も,少数ながら,ある:
(12) The men all seem [_ to like bananas].
(13) *The men seem [_ all to like bananas].
(14) [NPQ]... → [NP] [Q...]
この規則は,NP- 移動の出力の段階(NP- 構造)で適用される。