

鄭 聖汝(大阪大学)

韓国語の名詞述語疑問文は,元来コピュラなしの[名詞句+ ka/ko]の構造を基本にしている。本論では,動詞述語疑問文の場合も,中世語から現代語に至るまで,疑問形式-ka/ko の前にくる要素は名詞句相当であると主張する。重要なのは,動詞基盤の体言化辞-m, -n, -l と丁寧体疑問に用いられる体言基盤の体言化辞-s の機能である。議論を進める上で,Shibatani(2009, 2017,2018, 2019)の新しい体言化理論がきわめて有益であり,中世語はもちろん,現代標準語,慶南方言,済州方言に見られる多様な疑問形の分布を包括的かつ統一的に説明できる*。
キーワード: 韓国語疑問文,体言化,慶南・済州方言,疑問形式-ka/ko,体言化辞-m, -n, -l, -s






本稿では湯湾方言(琉球諸語の1 つである奄美語に属する)の複数形が持つ諸機能に注目し,それを世界の諸言語の複数形が持つ「特殊な機能」(Corbett 2000: 234)と比較・考察した。湯湾方言の複数標識は,簡単に言えば,日本語標準語の「たち」だけではなく,「など」に相当する機能も持っている。このような現象を通言語的な視点から整理するために,本稿では「意味地図」(semantic map)という方法論を用いた。その際,単数,双数,複数などのような「数の区分の意味」(number values)と,累加,連合,などの「数の区分以外の意味」(non-number values)を分けて捉えることによって,諸言語の複数形が持つ「特殊な機能」が意味地図上で比較考察できるようにした。その結果,従来の研究では区別されていなかった「集合的例示」と「選言的例示」の区別,および複数形が実質的に1 人の対象を指す用法のうち,いわゆる「尊敬複数」(polite plural)とは異なる「否定的・単独的例示」の通言語的な価値を明らかにした*。



本稿は日本語受動の新たな類型論を提案・実証する。主な提案は次の7 つである。[I] 日本語受動は[1] 受影主受動と[2] 経験主受動に大別され,それぞれさらに下位分類される。[II] ラレルは2(+1) 項助動詞であり,意味と統語の両レベルで[1] よりも[2] の方が階層的に上位の構造を持ち,[2] の中でもあるタイプ([A] 直接・[B] 所有1)よりも別のタイプ([C] 所有2・[D] 間接)の方がより複雑な構造を持っている。[III] すべてのタイプにおいて意味レベルの束縛が重要な役割を果たす。[IV] 受動の本質的特性である〈受影性〉は6つの認可条件と3 つの階層で複合的に規定される。[V] 日本語受動の典型は[2A] タイプであり,それは主体的把握・内界表出文である。[VI] それがプロトタイプであることは三重受影性階層から定理として導き出される。[VII] 非典型的なタイプも,受影主や複合事象/複雑述語文の一般的な派生度測定基準/方法の導入により,原理的に説明される*。
キーワード: 受影主/経験主受動,客体的/主体的事態把握,外界描写/内界表出,項/談話/特性/関数束縛,三重受影性階層




現在,日本で市販されている赤ちゃん用オムツには,唇音 [p, m] を含む名前が多い(例:「メリーズ(/meriizu/)」,「ムーニー(/muunii/)」,「パンパース(/panpaasu/)」,「マミーポコ(/mamiipoko/)」)。この観察は,唇音が喃語に多く現れる子音であるという事実と関連がある可能性もあり興味深い。本研究では,日本の赤ちゃん用オムツの名付けを題材として,音象徴の抽象性と生産性について,2 つの実験を通して探求する。実験1 では,無意味語を用いた強制選択実験により,日本語における5 つの唇音 [p, b, m, ɸ, w] が赤ちゃん用オムツの名前として選ばれやすいことを示す。実験2 では,赤ちゃん用オムツと大人用化粧品の自由名付け課題を行った結果,5 つの唇音が大人用化粧品の名前よりも赤ちゃん用オムツの名前に多く現れることを示す。これらの結果から,当該の音象徴的つながりが [p] や [m] のような分節音単位ではなく,より抽象的な唇性 [labial] というレベルで成り立っていること,そして,生産性を持っていることが示唆される。このような抽象性や生産性は,他の音韻現象でも観察されることであり,音象徴パタンが他の音韻パタンと共通性を持っていると結論づけられる*。


Interrogative Sentences and Nominalization in Korean: With Reference to Nominal and Verbal Predicate Interrogatives in the Gyeongnam and Jeju Dialects

Chung Sung-Yeo
(Osaka University)

Nominal predicate interrogatives in Korean originally had the structure of [nominal+ka/ko]. This paper argues for the analysis that verbal predicate interrogatives have also had a nominal structure before the question particles -ka/ko in Middle Korean and through Modern Korean. Elements playing the central role in this analysis are the nominalizers -m, -n, -l for verbal-based nominalizations and -s for nominal-based nominalizations, the latter of which is also used in polite interrogatives. In advancing our arguments, Shibatani’s (2009, 2017, 2018, 2019) new theory of nominalization proves particularly useful, according to which not only interrogative forms of Middle Korean, but also those varieties found in Gyengnam and Jeju dialects can be explained in a comprehensive and principled manner.

Structure and Derivation of the Concealed Question

Taisuke Nishigauchi
(Kobe Shoin Women’s University)

The present paper argues that the specificational sentence (SPC) and the concealed question (CQ) derive from what we call the Functional Noun Phrase (FuncNP) which has the specific structure in which the head FuncN denotes a relation between its two arguments, where the outer argument delimits the semantic domain (range) of FuncN R, and the inner argument exhaustively specifies the semantic domain of FuncN delimited by the outer argument. With the inner argument moved to SpecFocP, we obtain the SPC. The present paper derives the CQ in a way strikingly parallel with the derivation of the SPC: We posit Op as the inner argument of the FuncNP, which is moved to SpecCP. It is shown that the CQ ehibits the effect of the wh-island constraint both in English and Japanese. A syntactic analysis of the Englishman sentence is presented.

Non-number Values of Nominal and Pronominal Plural Forms in Yuwan in Crosslinguistic Perspective

Yuto Niinaga
(Hirosaki University)

Plural forms of nouns and pronouns in Yuwan (Amami, Northern Ryukyuan) have several functions which are different from ordinary plurals. Those functions are compared with “special uses” of plural forms according to Corbett (2000: 234) in this paper. Briefly speaking, plural markers in Yuwan have the functions of tachi and nado in Standard Japanese. Crosslinguistic differences and commonalities of this kind of phenomena are analyzed by a methodology called “semantic map.” In this paper, “number values” (e.g., singular, dual, plural) are distinguished from “non-number values” (e.g., additive and associative), which makes it possible for the “special uses” of plural forms to be compared with one another on the same level. Among the special uses, “group exemplar” and “disjunctive exemplar” have not been distinguished in previous research (and both functions were sometimes called with the same label, “approximative”). In addition, plural forms in Yuwan can be used pragmatically to indicate a single referent (but they are different from so-called “polite plurals” because they do not express politeness). The function is called “negative exemplar” or “solo exemplar” in this paper, and it is also compared with other non-number values of plural forms by a semantic map.

A Typology of Japanese Passives

Koichi Miyakoshi
(University of Tsukuba)

This article proposes and argues for a new typology of Japanese passives, making the following seven claims. [I] Japanese passives are classified into [1] patient passives and [2] experiencer passives, each with several subtypes. [II] The passive morpheme rareru is an auxiliary verb that takes two obligatory arguments and one optional argument. At the levels of both syntax and semantics, passives of type [2] have hierarchically higher structures than passives of type [1]. Of the [2]-type passives, some subtypes ([A] direct and [B] possessive1) have more basic and less complex structures than others ([C] possessive2 and [D] indirect). [III] Semantic binding plays a crucial role in every (sub)type. [IV] Affectedness, an essential property of passives, is characterized jointly in terms of six licensing conditions and three hierarchies. [V] The prototype of Japanese passives is a set of sentences of the [2A] type, with subjective construal and an expressive function. [VI] Their prototypicality is derived as a theorem from the triple affectedness hierarchy. [VII] The non-prototypical (sub)types are also explained in a principled way, with the introduction of general criteria/procedures for measuring the degree of derivativeness of patients and complex event/predicate sentences.


How Abstract is Sound Symbolism? Labiality and Diaper Names in Japanese

Gakuji Kumagai
(Meikai University)
Shigeto Kawahara
(Keio University)

Most baby diaper names sold in Japan contain at least one [p] or [m] (e.g., /meriizu/; / muunii/; /panpaasu/; /mamiipoko/). Building on this observation, this paper explores the hypothesis that labial consonants in general are associated with the images of babies in Japanese, as labial consonants frequently occur in babbling. To this end, the current paper reports two experiments which examined the abstractness and productivity of this labialbaby sound symbolic association. Experiment I was a forced-choice task using nonce words, which shows that all of the labial consonants in Japanese—[p, b, m, ɸ, w]—are associated with the images of baby diapers, despite the fact that the labial consonants that actually occur in the diaper names are only [p] and [m]. Experiment II was an elicitation task, which asked native speakers of Japanese to come up with new baby diaper names and cosmetics names for adults. The results show that all of the labial consonants appear in the baby diaper names more frequently than in the adult cosmetics names. Taken together, the current experiments demonstrate that Japanese speakers associate the phonological feature [labial] with the images of babies, implying that the sound symbolic association at issue may operate at the distinctive feature level rather than at the segmental level.