

新井 学(成城大学)・

キーワード: 第二言語習得,文処理,統語的プライミング,下位範疇化情報,エラーによる学習効果


玉岡賀津雄(名古屋大学)・Michael P. Mansbridge(名古屋大学)

動詞を読む前の予測処理がかき混ぜ文の処理に影響すると報告されている。しかし,これらの研究は,文の同じ位置で名詞を比較しておらず,名詞の種類も異なっていた。そこで,高使用頻度の人名を文の同じ位置に配置して,他動詞の単文とそれらを埋め込んだ複文の2 つの実験で,短距離・長距離のかき混ぜを句ごとに視線計測した。NP-ACC(ヲ)とNP-NOM(ガ)が連続して現れる場合は,2 つ目の名詞句のNP-NOM(ガ)の部分で,両実験のかき混ぜ文の通過時間が有意に長くなった。これは,埋語補充解析が始まることを示唆している。しかし,その後,動詞を読んでからの再読時間と読み戻り頻度が,埋語が想定される付近の名詞句を中心に観察された。意味的な手掛かりが欠如する場合には,動詞の情報に準拠した主要部駆動処理に強く依存することが示された。手掛かりの有無によって,主要部前処理か主要部駆動処理かの依存の度合いが異なってくると考えられる。



本研究では,ポケモンの名付けにおける新たな音象徴的イメージを検証した2 つの実験を報告する。実験1 では,進化後のポケモンの名前として,開口度の大きい母音[a] が,開口度の小さい母音[i, u] よりもふさわしいことが明らかになった。また,有声阻害音の数の効果を検証した結果,進化後のポケモンの名前として,有声阻害音が2 つ含まれる名前は,それが1 つしか含まれていない名前よりふさわしいこともわかった。実験2 では,母音と有声阻害音の優先性や相乗効果の検証も行った。その結果,ブーバ・キキ効果と同様に,母音の効果より,子音の効果のほうが強く現れること,そして,母音と有声阻害音の組み合わせは,どちらか一方を含む場合よりも,進化後のポケモンの名前として判断されやすいことが明らかになった。さらに,本研究では,実験2で得られた母音と有声阻害音の音象徴的効果について,制約理論である最大エントロピーモデル(Maximum Entropy (MaxEnt) Grammar)の枠組みでの分析も提供し,音象徴を生成言語理論の視点から捉える。

r 挿入と琉球諸語

デシェン ブレント(早稲田大学(名誉教授))

日本語動詞の接尾辞交替の分析として,子音動詞接尾辞が基底形にあたり,規則的な母音動詞接尾辞が動詞語幹境界における母音間のr 挿入規則の適用によって派生するとde Chene(2016)が提案している。本稿では,沖縄語の首里方言を中心に,琉球諸語においても話者がその分析(以下,「分析A」)を採用している証拠が見られるかどうかを検討する。その結果,首里方言の歴史のなかで分析A の採用を示す証拠が豊富にあり,また現代首里方言が,r を語幹末子音とする動詞へと母音動詞が完全に合流しているという,分析A がもたらす変化の予測される終着点に至っていることが分かる。r 語幹動詞の活用形に基づく4 項比例による説明をはじめ,分析A の裏付けとされる革新的な語形の他の解釈も取り上げられ,問題点が指摘される。琉球語族全般に視野を広げると,宮古語以外のすべての琉球語において分析Aが採用されている証拠があることが分かり,その分析の自然性が改めて確認される。



本稿は,日本語の「ている」進行形の文について,統語構造が異なる2 つのタイプがあると論じる。一方では,「いる」が存在動詞として現れ,その項として主語名詞句と音形のない後置詞を主要部とする後置詞句を選択する。そして,その後置詞句内には,名詞化された節が現れ,その主語が「いる」の主語によってコントロールされるという二重節構造を成す。もう一方では,「いる」が相を表す機能範疇として現れ,単一節構造が形成される。無生名詞を主語とする「ている」進行形の文は,主語が「いる」によって選択されず,常に単一節構造を持つ。これによって,「ている」進行形の有生主語が,「ている」が付く動詞の種類に関わらず,内項の性質を示し得るのに対し,無生主語はそのような特徴を持たないという事実が説明される。さらに,ここで提案する2 種類の「ている」進行形は,先行研究で分析されている,バスク語の2 種類の進行形に対応すると主張する。



穆  欣(上海財経大学)・小泉政利(東北大学)・玉岡賀津雄(名古屋大学)

多くの先行研究ではカラ格名詞句を主語として扱うことができると指摘している(張1995,井上2002,伊藤2001,Kishimoto 2012 など)。カラ格名詞句は尊敬語化を引き起こしたり,「自分」の先行詞となったりする場合がある。Ueda(2003)やKishimoto(2012)などではカラ格名詞句はTP の指定部に移動せず,vP の指定部に留まる可能性に言及している。一方,後置詞であるカラ格は動詞の付加詞としての理解も考えられる。この2 つの可能性を検討するために,本研究ではカラ格主語文とガ格主語文の文処理実験を行った。その結果,異なる語順のガ格主語文にはかき混ぜ効果が観察されたが,異なる語順のカラ格主語文にはかき混ぜ効果が観察されなかった。小泉・玉岡(2006)では,VP 副詞には2 つの正順語順(目的語の前と後)があると指摘している。この指摘を踏まえて考えると,日本語母語話者はカラ格名詞句をVP 付加詞として理解する可能性があり,結果としてカラ格名詞句も目的語の前または目的語の後に生成されることが示唆される。


Difference between L1 and L2 Language Processing in the Use of Subcategorization Information Evidence form Syntactic Priming

Chie Nakamura
Manabu Arai
(Seijo University)
Yasunari Harada
(Waseda University)

This study examined syntactic priming in the processing of early or late closure ambiguity and the influence of verb’s subcategorization information in L2 processing. Our results demonstrated a strong tendency for Japanese EFL learners to adopt the transitive analysis, suggesting that the subcategorization information of the intransitive verbs is overridden by the processing preference for the transitive structure. The results also revealed that the reanalysis cost with transitive verbs was reduced when they previously experienced the same processing difficulty with prime sentences. These findings fit well with the idea that the subcategorization information of the intransitive structure is lexically specific and needs to be learned through experience. Our results are also consistent with the error-based implicit learning account, showing that learning reflected the mismatch between prediction and actual input in processing prime sentences.

An Eye-tracking Investigation of Pre-head and Head-driven Processing for Scrambled Japanese Sentences

Katsuo Tamaoka
(Nagoya University)
Michael P. Mansbridge
(Nagoya University)

The syntactic movement of scrambled Japanese sentences is often attributed to pre-head anticipatory processing prior to reading the head verb. However, previous studies have not compared nouns within the same sentence position; furthermore, studies have compared different noun types, influencing processing via semantic activation. Thus, this study only presented highly frequent first names and maintained each noun in the same position by only manipulating the case markings. Under this strictly controlled condition, scrambling was investigated using two eye-tracking experiments. The results indicated that pre-head processing begins resolving the filler-gap dependency at the critical NP (noun phrase) containing the gap, as revealed by significantly longer go-past times for scrambled conditions. However, without additional semantic cues, case marking did not provide sufficient information, as seen by the difficulties under scrambled conditions during late-processing stages at the critical NP after reading the verb. Without semantic cues, Japanese speakers mostly used verb information to establish the structural properties of scrambled constituents. Consequently, the relative strength of pre-head and head-driven processing varies depending on the cues available.
Key words: eye-tracking, head-driven processing, pre-head processing, scrambling

Effects of Vowels and Voiced Obstruents on Pokémon Names:
Experimental and Theoretical Approaches

Gakuji Kumagai
(Meikai University)
Shigeto Kawahara
(Keio University)

The current paper reports on two experiments which examine the productivity of some sound-symbolic effects for Japanese speakers using Pokémon names. The results of Experiment I show that the low vowel [a] tends to be judged more appropriate for postevolution Pokémon characters, which are generally larger and heavier, than are the high vowels [i, u]. Moreover, the more voiced obstruents the names contain, the more likely the names are judged to be appropriate for post-evolution Pokémon characters. The results of Experiment II show that the effects on Pokémon names of consonants (i.e., voiced obstruents) are stronger than those of vowels, which is consistent with the previous results on the bouba-kiki effect. Experiment II also shows that the combination of low vowels and voiced obstruents can yield a very robust sound symbolic effect. We further use the Maximum Entropy Model to show that it is possible to analyze sound symbolic effects within the framework of generative grammar.

r-Epenthesis and Ryukyuan

Brent de Chene
(Waseda University (Emeritus))

Focusing on the Shuri dialect of Okinawan, this paper poses the question of whether Ryukyuan languages display evidence that speakers have adopted the analysis of verbal suffix alternations proposed for Japanese by de Chene (2016) (“Analysis A”), according to which consonant-stem allomorphs are the underlying representations of alternating suffixes and regular vowel-stem allomorphs are derived by intervocalic epenthesis of r at verb stem boundary. It is found that there is abundant evidence for the adoption of Analysis A in the history of pre-Shuri and that the contemporary language illustrates the logical endpoint of the changes that analysis entails, namely the total assimilation of vowelstem inflection to the inflectional pattern of r-stems. Alternative interpretations of the innovative forms taken as confirmation of Analysis A are considered and rejected, notably interpretations that appeal to proportional analogy based on r-stem forms. When we broaden the focus to Ryukyuan as a whole, we find that all Ryukyuan languages other than Miyako display clear evidence for the adoption of Analysis A, confirming its naturalness for the alternations in question.
Key words: Ryukyuan, Shuri, verb inflection, vowel-stem, r-Epenthesis

On the Locative Structure of -te iru Progressives in Japanese

Mikinari Matsuoka
(University of Yamanashi)

This article focuses on the syntactic structure of -te iru progressives in Japanese, which contain a verbal complex composed of a verb with the gerundive suffix -te and the existential verb iru ‘be’. It is proposed that there are two types of -te iru progressives that involve different structures. One type has a biclausal locative structure in which iru is the existential main verb selecting the subject and a PP headed by a null postposition; the PP contains a nominalized clause whose subject is controlled by the matrix subject. The other type is built on a monoclausal structure in which iru occurs as an aspectual functional head; -te iru progressives with inanimate subjects can only be constructed on this structure because iru as the main verb cannot select those subjects. It is argued that this analysis provides a natural account of the fact that animate subjects of -te iru progressives behave like an internal argument with respect to the interpretation of a quantificational adverb regardless of the kind of the verb with -te, while inanimate subjects do not have the characteristic. Moreover, it is suggested that the dichotomy of the structure of -te iru progressives argued for here is parallel to the one proposed for progressives in Basque in a previous study, which also indicates that the monoclausal progressive is derived from the biclausal one due to grammaticalization.
Key words: progressive, locative predication, quantificational adverb, nominalization, null postposition


Differentiating Subjects from VP-adjuncts:
A Psycholinguistic Case Study of kara-marked NPs

Xin Mu
(Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)
Masatoshi Koizumi
(Tohoku University)
Katsuo Tamaoka
(Nagoya University)

Previous studies (e.g., Cho 1995, Inoue 2002, Ito 2001, Kishimoto 2012) suggest that some NP-kara phrases in Japanese can be considered as sentence subjects. Like NP-ga, some NP-kara phrases can trigger subject honorification and can be the antecedent of the reflexive pronoun zibun ‘self ’. Additionally, Ueda (2003) and Kishimoto (2012), among others, argue that a kara-marked subject may stay in its thematic position, Spec-vP, rather than moving to a derived Spec-TP position. However, it is also possible to analyze kara-marked NPs as VP-adjuncts, based on the fact that -kara is a postposition typically used as the head of an adjunct. To differentiate between these possibilities, the present study conducted an experiment centered on sentences whose subjects are marked with either -ga or -kara. The results showed that scrambling effects (i.e., a significant difference in processing speed between sentences with two alternative word orders) were observed in sentences where subjects were marked by -ga, but not in sentences in which the corresponding NPs were marked by -kara. An experimental study by Koizumi and Tamaoka (2006) indicates that VP-adverbs have two canonical positions, one before the canonical object position and one after that position (i.e., AdvOV and OAdvV; Adv refers to an adverb). Given this observation, the lack of scrambling effects with NP-kara suggests that native Japanese speakers may understand NP-kara as a VP-adjunct, generated either before or after an object inside the VP.
Key words: ga- and kara-marked subjects, VP-internal subject hypothesis, scrambling effects, sentence processing, VP-adjunct