



特集 焦点および焦点関連の現象をめぐって


ジュリアノ・ボッチ Giuliano Bocci(ジュネーヴ大学)・
ルイジ・リッツィ Luigi Rizzi(ジュネーヴ大学/シエナ大学)・
斎藤 衛(南山大学)

イタリア語左方周縁部における焦点句とwh 句の共起は,主文では文法的に不適格であるが,補文内では許容度が向上する。また,焦点句とwh 句の共起制限は,焦点句の文法機能によっても左右される。例えば,焦点句が間接目的語であれば,直接目的語の場合に比べて許容度が高い。本論文では,まず,これらの一般化を,文法性判断に関する実験研究により裏付ける。次に分析を提示して,特に,主文と補文の非対称性を,統語と意味のインターフェイスにおける焦点文,wh 疑問文の構造から導く提案を行う。この分析は,一般的に二重焦点が排除されることを含意するが,最後に日本語の関連する現象を取り上げて,その普遍性を検証する。具体的には,wh 疑問文において観察される介在効果が,同様の分析により説明されること,また,いわゆる多重焦点分裂文がこの分析と矛盾するものではないことを示す。


Tom Güldemann(フンボルト大学(ベルリン)/マックスプランク研究所)・
Lee J. Pratchett(フンボルト大学(ベルリン))・
Alena Witzlack-Makarevich(エルサレム・ヘブライ大学)

カラハリ盆地言語帯には,節内の2 番目の位置(多くの場合,その節のS/A 要素の後)に,ある特別な小詞類が生起するという特徴を共有する言語が存在する。この小詞類に対するこれまでの説明は,平叙文,直接法,強調された主格,主題といったさまざまなラベルを用いてなされており,この小詞類が,多様ではあるが充分に理解されていない一連の機能群を有していることを示している。本稿は,ディスコースに重点を置き,比較の観点から3 つの異なる語族の言語,すなわちコエ- クワディ語族の北コエコエ,トゥー語族のヌン,カー語族のジューに見られる関連する事例を探求する。そして,当該の小詞が,非動詞叙述,焦点,entity-central theticity,平叙文,さらにおそらく示唆的S/A 標示までにも及びうるほどの多様な領域に広がる構文のネットワーク形成に関わっていると結論づける。この最後の2 つの機能(それぞれ文タイプと文法関係に関連するものであって,もはや情報構造上有標である配置を示すものではない)は,thetic 小詞構文の過度の使用から出現するものであり,いわゆる「脱語用標識化」の結果である。



本稿の目的は,琉球諸語における焦点助詞(du, ga)による焦点標示の方言差(バリエーション)を記述するとともに,そのバリエーションに関して,可能なパターンを記述でき,不可能なパターンを予測できるモデルを提示することである。扱った方言は15 方言であり,北琉球語から喜界島方言(佐手久,小野津),奄美大島方言(瀬戸内,湯湾),徳之島方言(伊仙),沖永良部島方言(国頭),沖縄本島方言(与那原)の7 方言,南琉球語から宮古方言(伊良部島長浜,宮古島保良,多良間島),八重山方言(石垣島真栄里,黒島,鳩間島,西表島船浮),与那国方言の8 方言である。本稿では,焦点タイプ(WH 焦点vs. WH 応答焦点vs. 対比焦点)と焦点ドメイン(項焦点vs. 述語焦点)の2 つの変数で方言差を記述し,琉球諸語の焦点標示に関して,通方言的に以下の2 つの階層を提案する。
(1)焦点タイプの階層:対比 > WH 応答 > WH
(2)焦点ドメインの階層:項 > 述語
琉球諸語の焦点標示に関して,この焦点階層(Focus-Marking Hierarchies)を用いることで,「階層のある地点で焦点標示が可能なら,その左側でも焦点標示可能である」と一般化できることを論じる。


長崎 郁(国立国語研究所)

本稿では,初期現代コリマ・ユカギール語における焦点構文を取り上げる。19 世紀末に収集されたテキスト資料を調べると,現在話されているコリマ・ユカギール語の焦点構文に見られる統語的な制約がかつては存在しなかったことが分かる。現在話されている言語では,焦点構文において焦点化が可能なのは自動詞主語と目的語に限られるが,初期現代コリマ・ユカギール語ではより広い範囲の構成素の焦点化が可能であり,自動詞主語と目的語のみならず,他動詞主語や斜格項/付加詞を焦点化のターゲットとした例が見出される。このことは,この言語の焦点構文が関係節と関連を持つとする仮説へのさらなる根拠となる。なぜなら,焦点構文で用いられる動詞語尾は関係節形成にも用いられ,また,焦点化と関係節化のターゲットは強い類似性を示すからである。現在話されている言語と初期現代語とのもうひとつの特筆すべき違いは,後者にのみ擬似分裂文的な構造が確認されることである。この構造は焦点構文の起源と仮定することができる。


伊藤 創(関西国際大学)

一方から他方へ働きかけがなされる事態を描写する際,英語母語話者は働きかけ手(agent)を主語に立てる傾向が日本語母語話者のそれより強い。本研究では,この描き方の型の違いが両者の事態の捉え方の型の違いに根ざしているのかどうかを検証するため,働きかけに関わる事態について,その「次」に起こった事態を想像してもらい,いずれの参与者を主語として描くかを比較した。次の事態を描く際には,当該の事態でより焦点をあてて捉えている参与者について描くのが自然と考えられるからである。結果は,ほぼ全ての画像で英語母語話者のほうが日本語母語話者よりagent を主語に立てる割合が高かった。このことから,1)日英語母語話者の事態の描き方の型の違いは,両者の事態の捉え方の型の違いに根ざしており,2)その違いは,英語母語話者は行為連鎖/力動関係において力の源である参与者に,日本語母語話者は共感度の高い参与者により際立ちを感じやすいという違いであることが強く示唆される。



西山佑司(慶應義塾大学 名誉教授)・

キーワード: 指定文,カキ料理構文,非飽和名詞(句),中核名詞句,変項名詞句



本稿では,動作主指向副詞「わざと」を含む例文から,日本語の受動文が使役の意味を表す場合があることを示す。また,日本語の受動文と英語のget 受動文には,どちらも受動と使役の両方の意味が表せるという点において,強力な類似性があることも示す。

Presidential Address

Language, Cognition and Logic, Viewed from the Polysemy of a Japanese Formal Noun tokoro (location)

Yukinori Takubo
(National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics)

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate an approach to language as it relates to cognition and thought processes by looking into the mapping relation among spatial, temporal, and modal domains. I will take up the problem of polysemy involving tokoro, a formal noun meaning ‘location’ in Japanese, to discuss such problems as the relation between language and inferential mechanisms, the interfaces between syntax and semantics, and those between semantics and pragmatics. I will first discuss various spatial usages of tokoro expressing place or location to characterize its core meaning as ‘identifying a reference point,’ which is crucially used in relative nouns expressing space orientation. Secondly, I will examine how the core meaning thus characterized can be extended to the temporal domain. In the temporal domain, tokoro identifies a part of the temporal trace of an event as a reference point, and orders the event to be located with respect to the reference point identified by tokoro, thereby accounting for how the addition of tokoro to a predicate restricts the interpretive possibilities for expressions of tense and aspect, specifically -ru, -teiru and -ta. In the modal domain, tokoro, when attached to a predicate, requires the sentence to be a counterfactual conditional: Both the premise and the consequent must be interpreted to be counterfactual. I demonstrate how the characterization of tokoro as ‘identifying a reference point,’ and the mechanisms underlying said characterization as argued for in this paper can account for the counterfactuality of tokoro conditionals in the modal domain.

Featured Theme: Focus and Focus-related Phenomena

On the Incompatibility of Wh and Focus

Giuliano Bocci
(University of Geneva)
Luigi Rizzi
(University of Geneva, University of Siena)
Mamoru Saito
(Nanzan University)

A left peripheral focus and a wh-element cannot co-occur in main interrogatives in Italian, whereas they can marginally co-occur in indirect questions. Moreover, the acceptability of the relevant configurations is further modulated by the grammatical function of the focal element, with a focalized indirect object more acceptable than a focalized direct object. In this paper we establish these generalizations experimentally through a controlled acceptability experiment. We discuss the theoretical underpinning of the observed pattern by tracing back this unusual kind of main-embedded asymmetry to plausible principles regulating the interface properties of focus and wh-constructions. We then extend the comparative dimension to Japanese. We propose that certain intervention effects observed in the literature may be amenable to the same explanatory ingredients at work in the incompatibility between focus and wh- in Italian; moreover certain apparent cases of double cleft in Japanese are analyzable as involving a single focus constituent, thus supporting the universality of the uniqueness of focus.
Key words: left periphery, focus, uniqueness of focus, wh-phrase, main-embedded asymmetry, intervention effect, syntax-semantics interface

From Pragmatics to Sentence Type:
Non-topical S/A Arguments and Clause-second Particles in the Kalahari Basin

Tom Güldemann
(Humboldt University of Berlin / Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History Jena)
Lee J. Pratchett
(Humboldt University of Berlin)
Alena Witzlack-Makarevich
(Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Languages of the Kalahari Basin contact area share a feature whereby a special type of particle occurs in clause-second position, often after the S/A constituent. Previous accounts have used a wide range of labels such as declarative, indicative, emphatic nominative, or topic, which point to a diverse but insufficiently understood functional array of this particle type. We address the phenomenon from a discourse-oriented and comparative perspective by exploring relevant cases in languages of three different families: Northern Khoekhoe of Khoe-Kwadi, Nǁng of Tuu, and Ju of Kxʼa. We conclude that the particles are involved in a network of constructions spanning such diverse domains as nonverbal predication, focus, entity-central theticity, declarative, and possibly even differential S/A marking. The last two functions that relate to sentence types and grammatical relations, respectively, and (may) no longer display a marked information structure (IS) configuration, emerge from the overuse of thetic particle constructions and thus are the result of so-called “depragmaticization”.
Key words: Non-topical S/A argument, clause-second particle, Kalahari Basin

Information Structure, Focus, and Focus-Marking Hierarchies in Ryukyuan Languages

Michinori Shimoji
(Kyushu University)

The present paper is a cross-dialectal survey of the relationship between various kinds of foci (e.g. argument focus vs. predicate focus, contrastive focus vs. WH focus, etc.) and their formal encodings in Ryukyuan languages. On the one hand, the present study is descriptive, dealing with a hitherto untouched issue of dialectal variation among Ryukyuan languages with regard to the usage of morphological focus-marking such as du and ga. By examining fifteen Ryukyuan languages which represent major dialectal areas (seven from Northern Ryukyuan and eight from Southern Ryukyuan), it will be shown that there is a considerable dialectal variation with regard to focus-marking and that the relevant factors are focus function (information vs. contrastive function of focus, etc.) and focus domain (argument vs. predicate, etc.). On the other hand, the present study is typological, giving a consistent model that explains the observed variation and makes predictions about the possible language patterns and impossible ones in the form of a pair of hierarchies, Focus Type Hierarchy (Contrastive Focus > WHA Focus (the focus of the answer to a WHQ) > WHQ Focus) and Focus Domain Hierarchy (Argument > Predicate).
Key words: information structure, focus, Ryukyuan, Japanese dialect, Japanese

The Focus Construction in Early Modern Kolyma Yukaghir

Iku Nagasaki
(National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics)

This paper examines the focus construction in early modern Kolyma Yukaghir. The examination of materials from the end of the nineteenth century suggests that the syntactic restrictions observed in the focus construction in the language as spoken at present did not exist in the earlier period. Unlike the present-day language, which allows only intransitive subjects and objects as targets of focus, early modern Kolyma Yukaghir shows a wider range of focus constituent. The earlier language also allowed transitive subjects and oblique arguments/ adjuncts as targets of focus. This provides additional evidence for the hypothesis that the focus construction is related to relative clauses, since the verbal endings used in the focus construction are also used for relativization, and the targets of focus and those of relativization exhibit strong similarities. Another notable distinction between the present-day and earlier stages of the language is in the use of the pseudocleft-like construction, which is observed only in the earlier language. This construction might be the source of the focus construction.
Key words: Kolyma Yukaghir, the focus construction, relative clauses

Differences in the Way of Perceiving and Describing Events between English and Japanese Native Speakers

Hajime Ito
(Kansai University of International Studies)

When describing an event with an agent and a patient, English native speakers show a stronger tendency to put an agent into the subject position than Japanese natives. This seems to show that English natives perceive events with a stronger focus on the agent than Japanese natives.
This paper examines whether this linguistic-level tendency (and its difference between English and Japanese natives) stems from the difference on a cognitive level through an experiment in which subjects are presented with a set of events with an agent and a patient and instructed to imagine and describe what happens next. If English natives tend to put their focus more onto an agent than onto a patient, then they will imagine and describe what happens next to the agent often by placing the agent as the subject.
The results of the experiment support this hypothesis; English natives describe the next scene by putting the agent into the subject position more often than Japanese natives. This suggests that English natives tend to focus more on an agent than Japanese natives both on a cognitive and linguistic level.


A Challenge to Nishigauchi’s (2016) Analysis of the Specificational Sentence in terms of the ‘Core Noun Phrase’

Yuji Nishiyama
(Professor Emeritus Keio University)
Ken’ya Nishikawa
(The National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics)

The present article discusses Nishigauchi’s (2016) analysis of the specificational sentence and related constructions in terms of what he calls ‘Core Noun Phrases.’ Core Noun Phrases, according to Nishigauchi, demand both outer and inner arguments; the former delimits the semantic domain of the head Noun while the latter exhaustively specifies the semantic content of the head Noun as delimited by the outer argument. We point out four problems in his analysis: (i) it cannot explain specificational sentences which lack the outer argument, (ii) the alleged exhaustiveness of the specification is not empirically justified, (iii) the notion of ‘discourse operator’ makes wrong predictions, (iv) his analysis of backward binding phenomena misses significant generalizations. From these observations, we argue that his analysis is inadequate for an analysis of the specificational sentence and related constructions such as the kaki ryori construction. We further argue that the theoretical notion ‘Noun Phrases Involving a Variable’ (NPIV; Nishiyama 2003) is crucial in the analysis of the specificational sentence and related constructions, and that the extended notion of Saturated/Unsaturated Nouns (Nishiyama 2003) is indispensable for the adequate analysis of the kaki ryori construction.

When Passives Mean Causative: The Role of the Agent-Oriented Adverb Wazato

Yuji Hatakeyama
(Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology)
Kensuke Honda
(National Institute of Technology, Ibaraki College)
Kosuke Tanaka
(Shinshu University)

This paper points out that Japanese passive sentences can be interpreted as causative, especially when they include the agent-oriented adverb like wazato ‘on purpose’. It is, furthermore, shown that there are strong similarities between Japanese passives and English get-passives in that they can be interpreted as both passive and causative.