


大会プログラム(PDF版)1.13MB / 発表要旨(PDF版) 973KB / 予稿集ダウンロード(155.zip)

大会1日目 11月25日(土)

13:00-17:40 口頭発表
18:00-20:00 懇親会

大会2日目 11月26日(日)

10:00-12:00 ワークショップ
11:30-12:50 ポスター発表 
13:00-13:40 会長挨拶,開催校挨拶,学会賞授賞式
13:40-16:40 公開シンポジウム

・公開シンポジウム(11月26日 日曜日)

Title: Formal Approaches to Subjectivity and Point-of-View(「理論言語学が解き明かす主観性と視点」)

Takeo KURAFUJI (Ristumeikan University)

<Symposium Objectives>
The importance of subjectivity and point-of-view has long been recognized in linguistics and philosophy of language, but how to define and use them varies from discipline to discipline. This symposium aims to familiarize the audience with formal approaches to these concepts and to show how they account for cross-linguistic novel data.

<Topic and Speakers>

 Counterstance Contingency: A Pragmatic Theory of Subjective Meaning
  Chris KENNEDY (University of Chicago) スライド邦訳版(PDF, 1.8MB)

 The Logophoric Hierarchy as Seen from the Point-of-View Projections
  Taisuke NISHIGAUCHI (Kobe Shoin Women's University)  予稿邦訳版(PDF, 168KB)

 Modal Questions and Point-of-View Shift in Korean and Japanese
  Yukinori TAKUBO and Masahiro YAMADA
   (National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics) スライド邦訳版(PDF, 1.8MB)