特集 日本語アクセント記述研究の新展開



本稿では鹿児島県甑島方言のアクセントについて,その特徴と多様性を論じる。甑島は鹿児島県の西40 キロの東シナ海に浮かぶ孤島であり,その方言は母語話者が推定で約3000 人しかいない危機方言である。鹿児島方言や長崎方言と同じ二型アクセント体系を有しているが,これらの姉妹方言とは異なる特徴がいくつも観察される。たとえば鹿児島方言とは違い,モーラを数える体系であり,また一つの語に複数のアクセントの山(重起伏)を持つ。甑島方言のアクセントはさらに地域差が大きいという特徴を有しており,音節の役割や重起伏の形,文レベルにおける高音調削除規則などの点において多様な体系を有している。本稿では鹿児島方言や東京方言と比較しながら,この方言の特徴と多様性,そして一般言語学的意義を考察する。



琉球語南琉球語群宮古語の方言である池間方言と多良間方言は3 種類のアクセント型が対立するいわゆる三型アクセント体系を有する。両方言のアクセント型の区別は広範な環境で中和する。また両方言は,日本語諸方言と比較して複雑なアクセント型の実現規則を有する。本稿は,両方言の韻律構造を記述するためには,2 モーラ以上の語根および接語が写像される韻律範疇である韻律語を仮定しなければならないことを示す。また本稿は,韻律範疇を扱う理論的研究の知見を踏まえながら,問題の韻律範疇に韻律語の地位を与えることの妥当性に関する予備的な議論を行う*。

―その韻律範疇PWd と下がり目の出現条件―


本稿は,琉球八重山諸島の黒島方言に焦点を当てて,この方言のアクセントの仕組みを明らかにする試みを行う。まず本稿では,黒島方言には(一見したところ)原因不明なアクセントの型の交替が見られる,という事実の指摘から始め,このような交替の原因を明らかにするためには,これまで多良間島や池間島などのいくつかの宮古諸島の体系において,そのアクセント位置の算出に機能していることが分かっている「韻律語(音韻語)(PWd)」という韻律範疇を想定することが必要になることを論じる。あわせて本稿では,これまで二型アクセント体系として記述されてきた黒島方言は,実は3 種類の型の対立を持つ三型アクセント体系であることも報告する。そして,どのような条件のもとでその3 種類の型の区別が明瞭に出現するのかを予測・説明するためにも,やはり上述のPWd という韻律範疇の想定が不可欠であることを論じる*。



本稿では,南琉球八重山語波照間方言(以下,波照間方言)の三型アクセント体系について論じる。これまで波照間方言のアクセントは主に二型アクセント体系とされてきたが,近年,三型(Ogawa and Aso 2012,小川・麻生2015),あるいは四型(松森2015a)のアクセント体系を持つという報告が相次いだ。本稿では,まず共時的なアクセント体系についての調査結果をもとに,波照間方言が三型アクセント体系を持つと主張する。次に,現在の波照間方言の各アクセント型に所属する語彙には語頭音による偏りが認められるという事実を報告するとともに,白保方言との比較から,そのような偏りが250 年以上前から存在したであろうという通時的な分析の結果を示す*。







この論文では,日本語の「指定文」および「カキ料理構文」と呼ばれている構文について,特定の構造を持つ名詞句を中核として,その構造と派生を示す。本論文の分析では「中核名詞句」は2 つの項をとり,外項が主要部名詞の意味範囲を限定(delimit)し,内項がその意味内容を「過不足なく指定する」(exhaustively specify)という関係を持つ。「中核名詞句」の内項が焦点化されることで「指定文」が,その指定部を占める外項が主題化されることで「カキ料理構文」が派生される。焦点化された要素が変項を含む構成素の意味を「過不足なく指定する」という関係が「指定文」の根幹をなすものだが,これは疑問文とその答えの間に求められる関係に由来するものである。「中核名詞句」の内部での項のc 統御関係が,対応する「指定文」に「連結性」によって反映され,「自分」の逆行束縛と見える現象などが説明されるる。「X をY に…する」という付帯状況を表す副詞節も「中核名詞句」から派生する分析を提案している*。



副詞は文中で複数の位置に生起する。小泉・玉岡(2006)の文処理実験は,4 種類の副詞(陳述の副詞,時の副詞,様態の副詞,結果の副詞)について,処理にかかる時間に基づき基本語順を示している。その際,様態と結果の副詞はともに動詞句副詞とされ,SAdvOV(Adv は副詞)またはSOAdvV が基本語順であるとして,両副詞を区別してはいない。本研究では,毎日新聞9 年間分の新聞コーパスを使って,様態と結果の副詞が文中でどのような位置に出現するかを検索した。その結果,様態の副詞は,(S)AdvOV が48.4%,(S)OAdvVが50.0% で,両方の語順がほぼ同じ頻度となった。一方,結果の副詞は,(S)OAdvV の語順が80.7% で,(S)AdvOV の語順は18.0% で,動詞句内の動詞の前の位置に頻繁に出現し,(S)OAdvV の語順を作ることを示した*。

Featured Theme: New Developments of the Descriptive Studies on Japanese Accentuation

Diversity of Pitch Accent Systems in Koshikijima Japanese

Haruo Kubozono
(National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics)

This article describes the diversity of pitch accent systems found in Koshikijima Japanese in comparison with those of Kagoshima and Tokyo Japanese. Koshikijima Japanese is a highly endangered dialect spoken on the Koshikijima Islands in the south of Japan. While sharing many phonological features with Kagoshima and Nagasaki Japanese, this dialect is strikingly different from the sister dialects in several respects. Unlike Kagoshima Japanese, for example, Koshikijima Japanese is basically a mora-counting language where the number of moras, and not syllables, is counted to compute the position of word-level phonological prominence. Unlike Kagoshima and Nagasaki, moreover, most of Koshikijima’s systems permit more than one High tone in relatively long words, apparently violating the principle of culminativity. Furthermore, Koshikijima Japanese displays a high degree of regional variations, thus developing several pitch accent systems that are different from each other in several respects such as culminativity, mora-syllable interactions, the interactions between the two High tones, and the High tone deletion phenomenon at the post-lexical level.*
Key words: Koshikijima Japanese, Kagoshima Japanese, pitch accent, syllable, mora

The Prosodic Structures of the Ikema and Tarama Dialects of Miyako Ryukyuan

Yosuke Igarashi
(Hitotsubashi University)

Ikema and Tarama are dialects of Miyako, one of the sub-languages of Southern Ryukyuan. They both have so-called three-pattern accent system, in which three accentual classes are lexically contrastive. The three-way accentual contrast in the two dialects is neutralized in a wide range of contexts. Also, these dialects are characterized by more complexed realization rules of the accentual classes than those in the Japanese dialects. This study demonstrates that the prosodic structures of the two dialects can be adequately described, only if we posit the prosodic category which poly-moraic roots and clitics are mapped onto, i.e., the Prosodic Word. This study also provides a preliminary discussion as to whether it is appropriate to consider the prosodic category at issues as the Prosodic Word on the basis of the findings from theoretical investigations into prosodic categories.

A Prosodic Category PWd in the Accentual System of Kuroshima in the Yaeyama Archipelago and the Condition for Its H-tone Realization

Akiko Matsumori
(Japan Women’s University)

Focusing on the dialect of Kuroshima in the Yaeyama archipelago in the Ryukyus, this study attempts to clarify its accentual system. The dialect exhibits apparently unaccountable accentual alternations, the cause of which has not been elucidated. This paper shows that the assumption of a prosodic category “Prosodic (Phonological) Word (PWd)”, which has also been shown to function in assigning accents in dialects such as Tarama-jima or Ikema-jima in the Miyako archipelago, is indispensable in solving the question of why such alternations exist in the dialect of Kuroshima. Moreover, it is demonstrated that, contrary to previous studies describing it as consisting of two accentual patterns, the dialect actually has a threepattern accentual system. Furthermore, the paper shows that PWd is also necessary in explaining why the three-pattern accentual system only appears under certain conditions in this dialect.

A Three-pattern Accent System in Hateruma Ryukyuan

Reiko Aso
(Graduate Student, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)
Shinji Ogawa
(Prefectural University of Kumamoto)

In this paper, we discuss the Hateruma Ryukyuan accent system. Although many previous works have claimed that Hateruma has a two-pattern accent system, some recent studies have hypothesized that it has a three- or four-pattern accent system. In the first part of this paper, we will address the synchronic topics. We will substantiate that Hateruma has the three-pattern accent system through F0 pictures. We will also show that adjectives and compound words can have two accents in a single word.
In the latter part of the paper, we will discuss diachronic topics. Based on the Keiretsubetsu-Goi (categorized vocabulary) and word-initial phonemes, we found that one can reliably predict a word’s accent pattern. This is true of not only Hateruma Ryukyuan but also Shiraho Ryukyuan. By comparing these two languages, we conclude that Hateruma has retained its accent system for more than 250 years.

Iambic Feet in Japanese: Evidence from the Maisaka Dialect

Clemens Poppe
(National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics/Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)

This paper shows that both iambic and trochaic feet are indispensable in the analysis of the accent patterns of both nouns and verbs in the Maisaka dialect. Without referring to foot structure, it is not possible to formulate insightful generalizations that account for gaps in the nominal accent system and for alternations in the accent patterns of both nouns and verbs. The preferred foot type in the Maisaka dialect is the iamb. This is an important finding, as it has been argued that in Tokyo Japanese the preferred foot type is the trochee. Although iambs are preferred in Maisaka Japanese, trochees are allowed in order to avoid accent on the final mora of the phonological word. The Maisaka dialect thus provides us with evidence for the co-existence of iambs and trochees in one and the same accent system.*
Key words: accent, foot structure, Maisaka dialect, mora counting, syllable structure


Structure and Derivation of the Specificational Sentence and Related Constructions

Taisuke Nishigauchi
(Kobe Shoin Women’s University)

The present article discusses the syntactic properties and derivation of the specificational sentence and related constructions. We argue that at the basis of the specificational sentence and related constructions is what we call the Core Noun Phrase, whose outer argument delimits the semantic domain of the head Noun while its inner argument exhaustively specifies the semantic content of the head Noun as delimited by the outer argument. With the inner argument focalized (moved to SpecFocP), we obtain the specificational sentence, while other related constructions are subsequently derived by movement from this structure. The idea that the focalized constituent has the semantic function of exhaustively specifying the semantic domain of the constituent containing the variable has its roots in the relation between a wh-question and its felicitous answer. The connectivity phenomenon involving various binding relations provides a syntactic basis for the present analysis. The paper also proposes an analysis of a certain type of circumstantial adverbial clause being syntactically derived from the Core Noun Phrase.

A Corpus-Based Investigation of the Canonical Order of Manner and Resultative Adverbs

Emi Nanba
(Nagoya University)
Katsuo Tamaoka
(Nagoya University)

In the Japanese language, an adverb has several options as to where it can be grammatically located within a sentence. For manner and resultative adverbs in Japanese, Koizumi and Tamaoka (2006) claim that the canonical word order for a sentence containing either adverb type is SAdvOV and SOAdvV respectively. The current study aims to validate this proposal by using a newspaper corpus search to demonstrate which word order is dominant for each of these two adverb types. The results of the corpus search revealed that manner adverbs (N=23) had a similar distribution between SAdvOV (48.4%) and SOAdvV (50.0%) word orders within the corpus. For resultative adverbs (N=17), on the other hand, the SAdvOV (18.0%) word order appeared infrequently while the SOAdvV (80.7%) order was overwhelmingly more frequent. Consequently, while the canonical order for manner adverbs cannot currently be distinguished between SAdvOV and SOAdvV, the canonical order for resultative adverbs is clearly established as SOAdvV.