Subject NPI Licensing and Verb Movement

北元 美沙子(慶應義塾看護短期大)

A so-called Negative Polarity Item (NPI) is grammatical in the subject position of a simple negative sentence in Japanese but not in English. I assume that the NPI has an intrinsic [+NEG] feature and a Neg-head has a [+neg] feature. I propose that the NPI is licensed by neg-features ([+NEG][+neg]) checking in the cheking domain of the Neg-head rather than the spec-head relation of NegP. I adopt Chomsky (1993) that the checking domain of a head H is the "minimal residue". I argue that the [+neg] feature of the Neg head is carried along with overt verb movement to T(ense).The [+neg] moves overtly to T with overt verb movement to T in Japanese but it remains in the head of NegP in English because English verbs do not move overtly.