Reducing the EPP to a Strong D-Feature of T:
Subject and its Numeral in Japanese

川島 るり子(明治学院大)

Chomsky (1995) advances the Minimalist Program with a number of new proposals, one of which reduces the Extended Projection Principle (EPP) to a strong D-feature of T. One important aspect of this proposal (which makes it different from the one in Chomsky 1993) is that the D-feature of T is divorced from Case and φ-features (Chomsky 1995: 282). This paper demonstrates that such reduction resolves the long-standing problem concerning syntactic distribution of (floating) numerals and their assodated subject NPs in Japanese under the independently motivated single constituent analysis of nominal phrases containing numerals: [DP[NumP NP Num] D] (see, among others, Kamio 1983, Kawashima 1994, 1998).