

上野 善道 (東京大学)



吉田 和彦 (京都大学)

3人称単数中・受動態動詞に生じた-a → -taと-a → -attaという2つの形態変化は,ヒッタイト語の歴史時代になお働いている.この事実に加えて,-attaを持つ形式が古期ヒッタイト語にみられないこと,および多くの命令形にa-クラスの特徴が保存されていることから,-taを持つ中・受動態動詞が最初につくられたのは,ヒッタイト語の先史のそれほど古い段階でないことが分かる.さらに,-taが現在形よりも過去形に顕著にみられることから,ta-クラスの中・受動態動詞の多くがつくられたのは,現在語尾に生じた破擦音化(*-ti>*-tsi)の後と言うことができる.この分析に従うならば,アナトリア祖語および印欧祖語に再建される3人称単数中・受動態語尾は1次語尾 *-or,2次語尾 *-oということになる.一般に受け入れられている1次語尾 *-tor,2次語尾 *-toは印欧祖語に遡らず,アナトリア語派の祖語からの離脱以降につくられたと考えられる.

The World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS) と類型論的分析

堀江 薫 (東北大学)

近年,言語類型論の分野においては,危機言語の記録・保存・再活性化と類型論的データベースの共有化という二つの目標に向けた様々な取り組みが行われている.後者に関して,マックスプランク発達人類学研究所の言語学部門の類型論研究者が世界の類型論研究者の協力を得て,2005年に The World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS) を刊行した.これは,世界の言語の音韻,語彙,形態,統語的特徴の地理的分布を,視覚的な理解しやすさに対して様々な配慮のなされた142枚の世界地図によって示した書籍とCD-ROMからなるデータベースであり,今後の類型論研究にとって非常に重要な貢献を果たすものと期待される.本論は,WALSを用いた類型論研究の可能性を示す二つの論文およびそれらの論文に対するコメントからなるフォーラムの序論をなすものである.

アジア言語の「EAT」表現の地理類型に向けて —WALSを用いた視覚化の試み—

Prashant Pardeshi
(Kobe University)
Peter Hook
(University of Virginia and University of Michigan)
Colin P. Masica
(University of Chicago)
Hajar Babai
(Kobe University)
井土 愼二(東北大学)
堀江 薫(東北大学)
Jambalsuren Dorjkhand
(Tohoku University)
Joungmin Kim
(Tohoku University)
森 奏子(東北大学)
Dileep Chandralal
(Okinawa University)
Omkar N. Koul
(Indian Institute of Language Studies)
Hsin-hsin Liang
(University of Virginia)
村上雄太郎 (茨城大学)
Kingkarn Thepkanjana
(Chulalongkorn University)
Qing-Mei Li
Prasad Vasireddi
Terry Varma


格の多様性について —言語構造のワールドアトラス(WALS)を使用して—

野瀬 昌彦(東北大学/日本学術振興会特別研究員)



角田 太作(東京大学)

プラシャント・パルデシの論文も野瀬昌彦の論文も,通言語的なデータを用いて行う研究の見事な成果である.パルデシ他の論文について.「食べる」という動詞を用いる表現がアジアの広い地域の言語に見られることを示した.人間は,食べることと強烈な衝撃を受けることに,何か共通点を感じるのであろう.これは普遍的あるいは普遍的に近いものかもしれない.そのため,これらのこれほど広い地域の言語に見られるのであろう.もしそうなら,このような表現がオーストラリア原住民語に見あたらないのは不思議である.野瀬論文は以下のことを指摘した.(i) 11以上の格を持つ言語が後置詞を持つこと.(ii) 場所的な格と副詞的な格を多数持つ言語がSOVである傾向.この二つの点は機能的な観点で予想に反する.従って興味深い.また,(iii) 場所的な格と副詞的な格を多数持つ言語が後置詞を持つ傾向がある.しかし,私の推測では,その後置詞の数は少ないであろう.

On the Reconstruction of Japanese Accents

Zendo Uwano
(University of Tokyo)

Based on the modern dialects and ancient documents I propose a proto-accent system of the mainland Japanese dialects. For the high-beginning series I hypothesize the falling pattern of the form HHMM-instead of the high-level pattern HHHH-. For the low-beginning series I incorporate the Kyosei tone —that is, words with the rising pitch— into the system. On the whole, the proto-system consists of the two tonal patterns, falling and low-level, and the two accent kernels, rising and lowering, and the system contains more oppositions than that previously proposed.

The Prehistory of Mediopassive Verbs in Indo-European:
New Evidence from Hittite

Kazuhiko Yoshida (Kyoto University)

The morphological changes in 3 sg. mediopassive endings, -a-ta and -a-atta, were still operating during attested Hittite history. This fact, together with the nonexistence of -atta in Old Hittite manuscripts and the retention of original a-class status in 3 sg. imperatives of many ta-class mediopassives, shows that 3 sg. mediopassive verbs in -ta do not go back to a very early period. Contrary to the generally accepted view that both *-to and *-o must be reconstructed as 3 sg. mediopassive endings in the parent language, *-to cannot have been created when the Anatolian branch split off from the rest of the Indo-European family. The remodeled ending *-to was undoubtedly due to the influence of the corresponding active 3 sg. *-ti (primary ending) and *-t (secondary ending). The fact that -ta (< *-to) is overwhelmingly favored by preterite mediopassives in Hittite provides us with decisive evidence that many ta-class mediopassives were created after the affrication which occurred in pre-Hittite and applied to 3 sg active primary (i.e., present) *-ti (> *-tsi) but not to 3 sg. active secondary (i.e., preterite) *-t. The morphological history of Hittite mediopassive verbs clarified in this paper shows that Hittite still preserves an archaism of remarkable antiquity which plays an important role in reconstructing the Proto-Indo-European verbal system.

Workshop on The World Atlas of Language Structure and Typological Analysis

Kaoru Horie
(Tohoku University)

(No English Abstract)

Toward a Geotypology of EAT-expressions in Languages of Asia: Visualizing Areal Patterns through WALS

Prashant Pardeshi
(Kobe University)
Peter Hook
(University of Virginia and University of Michigan)
Colin P. Masica
(University of Chicago)
Hajar Babai
(Kobe University)
Shinji Ido
(Tohoku University)
Kaoru Horie
(Tohoku University)
Jambalsuren Dorjkhand
(Tohoku University)
Joungmin Kim
(Tohoku University)
Kanako Mori
(Tohoku University)
Dileep Chandralal
(Okinawa University)
Omkar N. Koul
(Indian Institute of Language Studies)
Hsin-hsin Liang
(University of Virginia)
Yutaro Murakami
(Ibaraki University)
Kingkarn Thepkanjana
(Chulalongkorn University)
Qing-Mei Li, Prasad Vasireddi, Terry Varma

Many of the languages of Asia have families of expressions in which a verb meaning EAT exhibits Janus-faced behavior. In some cases the subject of EAT bears the semantic role of an agent while in others it bears the role of a theme, patient, or experiencer. A central concern of this paper is to characterize the geographic distribution in Asia of the semantic extensions of the experientially basic verb EAT in selected languages. We graph the areal distribution of representative EAT expressions as sets of data points on WALS maps and show that while some metaphoric extensions of usage of the verb EAT are probably found in every language, other particular types of extensions are found only in a specific area whose languages share a number of typological characteristics as shown by Masica (1976) in his seminal work on the SOV linguistic area of South, Central, and Northeast Asia. While language contact certainly has played and continues to play a significant role, we propose the independent operation of a radial network of semantic extensions as a possible complementary factor in the proliferation and convergence of EAT-expressions.

Diversity of Cases: Using The World Atlas of Language Structures

Masahiko Nose
(Tohoku University/Japan Society for the Promotion of Science)

Case markers, as a nominal morphological feature, indicate the functions of NPs in a clause. The number of cases in individual languages is diverse, ranging from no case-marking in Chinese and Arabic to more than 10 cases in Hungarian and Nez Perce. In The World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS) this morphological feature is highlighted under the heading of "number of cases." Selecting languages with more than 10 cases, I examine what kinds of cases each of them has, and then consider the reasons why these multiple-case languages do indeed have so many cases. Finally, I discuss whether the languages with rich case systems have other common typological features as described in WALS. The languages with no case marking are densely distributed in Africa and South Asia, and the languages with more than 10 cases are scattered in Eurasia (Basque, Finnish, and Evenki) and Australia (Gooniyandi, Martuthunira, and Kayardild). Cross-linguistic comparison shows that the languages with rich case systems are in fact rich in locative cases but poor in terms of the variety of cases. Finally, as a result of contrasting case with other WALS features, it is established that the languages discussed in this paper have other frequent grammatical tendencies, SOV word order, and postpositions.

Commentary and Discussion

Tasaku Tsunoda
(University of Tokyo)

(No English Abstract)