Perspicuous Analysis of Wager-class verbs in ECM Constructions

山本 匡樹(関西外国語大大学院)

This study is an attempt to examine whether wagger-class verbs can exceptionally assign Case to the embedded subject of the infinitival complement. To our surprise, although, like believe, wager-class verbs allow passive raising (e.g., John was wagered to be crazy)and exceptionally Case-mark wh-trace (e.g., Who did Peter wager to be crazy), they cannot exceptionally Case-mark lexical NPs (e.g.,*Peter wagered the student to be crazy). With respect to wager-class verbs, I assume here that Topicalization of the embedded subject of the infinitival complement has the following structure, as in (2) but not as in (1).
(1) [Top Maryi][CP null-Opi [IP Bill wagered [IP ti to have won the race]]]
(2) [Top Maryi] Bill wagered [IP ti to have won the race]
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└────────┘(Th/Ex rule)
Under the phase theory, my assumptign is that lexical inertness NPs, which are to be given the Case-value from the matrix verb wagger,must be raised "The matization/Extraction rule" (Chomsky 2001: 23).