The Effect of 'Manner' on Causation
― Manipulative versus Directive Causation ―

兼元 美友(東京大大学院)

This paper elucidates the contrast between lexical causative forms and periphrastic causative forms in English and Japanese through focusing the charactertistics of the directive causative reading in lexical causatives which deviates from the well-known generalization about the causation pattern.

  1. The policeman stopped the man in the street.
  2. Hahaoya wa kodomo o nikai e age-ta

It is observed that the diredive causative reading is only possible when a human volitional causee is present, and the purpose of the causer lies in an event which takes place after the event(s) described by the verb itself. Furthermore, I have proposed that the specification of a manner in the LCS plays one of the crucial roles in determining the causative pattern.