Semantic factors affecting the morphological (non)marking of middles in Hebrew

Hartenstein Anne-Marie (神戸大大学院)

We analyze the whole spectrum of periphrastic-morphological-lexical middle constructions in Modem Hebrew.We argue that the semantic factors which affect the marking or non-marking of the Hebrew Middles are the detailed features of the theta-role assigned to the participants in the action the Developmental Phase of the Action, Aktionsart and the Animacy of the participants. These semantic factors recognize four verbal groups depending on which type of middles the verbs take if at all. Hence, the existence of two morphologically distinct middles can be accounted for. Finally, and internal verbal group division is provided with regard to the distribution of the periphrastic reflexive construction. Thus, a reconsideration of the functions and semantics of the Middle voice in Hebrew is called for.